This past week we got in a huge shipment of replica tin signs. They have been our most popular Christmas gift item two years in a row. At $18 they make for a fun inexpensive gift. A photos is attached of just a few. We currently have 123 different tin signs in stock. Humorous and superheroes signs are our two best sellers. A grandfather clock showed up, a photo is attached. Antique furniture arrivals included: 3 trunks[one is extra large and cedar lined], burled walnut inlaid oval parlour table, mahogany bachelor’s chest, 2 magazine racks, halfmoon end table, 2 small chests of drawers, Lloyd’s loom wicker chair, small harvest table, maple dropleaf coffee table, mahogany dresser and mirror, set of 4 maple kitchen chairs, small mahogany china cabinet, hall tree, Eastlake washstand, double or Queen bed in porch green, Japanese tea cabinet, a few stools and barstools, oak curio cabinet, and more. More fun stuff came in, including: unusual marble & iron floor lamp, bridge lamp, vintage Westinghouse fan, carboy, large art glass bowl, folding tray, seltzer bottle, rare dye cabinet, small printer’s tray, cast iron corn shaped cake mold, round sewing box, maple syrup box, blueberry picking scoop, small cheese box, Tiffany style light fixture, a collection of tools, large oak bevelled mirror, 20 assorted cups & saucers including some good one’s [Paragon, Aynsley, Shelley, etc.], and lots more.