This week, a large shipment of our very popular replica tin signs arrived, 42 different new signs. We’ve only had a handful of these signs before; most are brand new. Many are exclusive to The Barn until 2024. All the signs in this batch are from $12 to $20.

We brought in more outdoor/garden cement pieces including: traditional large planters, large basket planters, bird baths, and benches.

Antique furniture new arrivals included: Empire games table, pair of Mahogany dining chairs, Victorian tilt top games table, set of 4 bentwood pub chairs, mahogany ball & claw foot dresser, Cherrywood lamp table, small pine nightstand, cherry drop leaf table, pair of modern arm chairs, set of 4 quarter cut oat kitchen chairs with claw feet, mahogany china cabinet in excellent condition, maple drop leaf kitchen table, oak school desk, set of 4 upholstered oak dining chairs, oval mid-1800’s tilt top treaty table, round oak kitchen table with large leaf, one door oak washstand, and a two door oak washstand.

Antique non furniture new arrivals included: 2 floor lamps, 6 different gas lights converted to electric, large multitier brass & crystal chandelier, 2 different crystal chandeliers, 2 barn lanterns, another Coke cooler, flo blue pitcher & potty, pair of crystal decanters, a nice set of 6 cut glass goblets, 20” tall bronze figure on marble base, 2 oil paintings, brass coal scuttle with shovel, Spanish bronze chandelier, small crock, 4 blue medicine bottles, Lucite evening bag, box of linens, assorted smalls, and more.